First things first: have you registered for Holmes in the Heartland yet? If not, check out the website and get signed up!
And we will be holding one of our semi-regular Zoom meetings next month to discuss "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans." You can pre-register for the meeting here.
The Occupants of the Empty House hosted their final meeting on September 17. Brad Keefauver has a nice writeup on that meeting on his blog.
Enola Holmes 2 will be coming to Netflix in November.
The Harpooners of the Sea Unicorn will meet via Zoom on September 23.
The Baker Street Almanac has been delivered to subscribers and is highly recommended. If you didn't preorder one, they are still available here.
Joe will be the keynote speaker at December's Crew of the Barque Lone Star Zoom meeting.
Josh Harvey created a great video for our Scion on his YouTube page.
And Nellie had some great pictures from the time she visited Hotel National. Check them out below!