And we have no plans to slow down in that avenue. We have members planning on attending Holmes, Doyle & Friends, 221B Con, and the Canonical Conclave this year. Our next Zoom meeting is on February 8 (Register HERE), and Holmes in the Heartland will be back in 2026. And of course we will continue with our monthly blog posts. (If you missed Heather's great post on Inspector Lestrade last month, don't miss out!)
But this year we want to be more intentional about engaging with our city, St. Louis. We have lots of ideas in the hopper and who knows what will come to fruition in 2025, but hopefully it will lead our group to enjoying the city more and meeting some new friends who are also interested in Sherlock Holmes.
After a few years of inactivity, our Instagram account has gotten up and running again. We are following all kinds of bookstores, coffee shops, and St. Louis-centric accounts. If you're on Instagram, give us a follow!
We are still meeting every other month at The Ethical Society of St. Louis, but this year finds us in the more comfortable setting of the Teen Hangout Room. Even though we are pretty well past our teen years, we all appreciated the couches, comfortable chairs, and relaxed vibe it gave during our first meeting in January.
And it's time to start having more fun events outside of our meetings! February 22 will be a Sherlockian movie movie night. We will watch 1932's Sherlock Holmes starring Clive Brook, 1945's The House of Fear with Basil Rathbone, and 1968's The Boscombe Valley Mystery with Peter Cushing. And look for more fun local events this summer once all of the aforementioned conference travels are over!
We plan on reaching out to area libraries and newspapers to promote our in-person meetings. Maybe even some bookstore visits after upcoming meetings. And we'd love to hear from you! What ideas should we consider for outreach in the community?
On an internal note, our group has formalized some roles to help with organizational tasks. Our current officer list is:
Gasogene (President) - Rob Nunn
Tantalus (Secretary) - Heather Hinson
Commissionaire (Treasurer) - Adam Presswood
Gasogene Emeritus (Advisor) - Joe Eckrich
2025 is looking like it's going to be a pretty great year for The Parallel Case of St. Louis! If you are interested in joining our group or haven't been to a meeting in a while, we'd love to see you. In the immortal words of Sherlock Holmes, "Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same.”
Sounds wonderful! I love the idea of reaching out more to the St. Louis community. Left Bank Books comes to mind as an amazing bookstore that hosts lots of events (and has a cat!), and which I'm sure would love to spread the word or even host some events. I also can't wait for Holmes in the Heartland. Perhaps also something to do with Doyle's visits to St. Louis/mentions in the local newspapers would be cool.